We will provide you with a team of experts to help you narrow down the ideal exam strategy throughout your journey with Sanyukta Singh Design Studio. With UCEED study material 2024-2025, You are just a click away from our academic team through the platform. After Buying NID study material online from us, You can book a Doubt Session slot if you have any questions regarding any section.
As many students cannot attend our classroom coaching classes for NIFT NID UCEED CEED, we have designed a comprehensive UCEED STUDY MATERIAL as per the entrance exam requirements. To understand complex sketches, we have discussed the techniques in the NID STUDY MATERIAL.
Quantitative Ability | Mental Math | Non-verbal Reasoning |
Verbal Reasoning | English Language | Comprehension |
Visual and Spatial Ability | Design Thinking and Problem Solving | Observation and Design Sensitivity |
Brain Teaser | Creative PPT | General Knowledge PPT |
Highest Selection Ration of 92% in 2023 and 2024 NIFT NID Entrance Exam. 100+ Selection in UCEED, 300+ Selection in NID and 1500+ Selection in NIFT
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